Funny and Clever Posts Any Woman Could Relate to

Aug 13, 2024

We live in a world full of gender inequality. Women are still paid less than men and are given way less respect than they deserve, but changes are happening. Yes, the future is female - and we think these posts prove it. Sure, men still might need a little convincing that women are actually superheroes, but we women still know it. This community of sisterhood is going to change the world, and we have a feeling that all women will be able to relate to these hilarious and heartwarming posts from other women.

Funny and Clever Posts Any Woman Could Relate to

Lauren Christina

A Military Operation

Let's be honest; one of the biggest gender inequalities between men and women is in the beauty industry. Anyone who has ever spent more than a few hours with a man will know that they have life pretty easy when it comes to their beauty standards. Not only do they "age like a fine wine" rather than "look unrecognizable," but they also save a whole load of money on male beauty products. Normally, one bottle can do about twenty different things!

A Military Operation


Unfortunately, the same can't be said for women. Adhering to society's beauty standards is a military operation that involves countless creams and serums. And we're pretty broke because of it.

We Appreciate You, Girl

Hands up if you've ever felt uncomfortable at the gym? We're going to assume that lots of you have your hands in the air and you're waving them around like you really do care, because gyms can be extremely intimidating for women on their own. You might feel exposed, you might feel self-conscious, and you might even feel vulnerable. And while it shouldn't be the case, that's exactly why women need other women to look out for them.

We Appreciate You, Girl


Yes, this girl gets it! When Nicoletta's boyfriend pretended to hit on her, this girl immediately snapped to attention to save her. And if she's open to having a new best friend, we're totally available.

Bathroom Besties

Every woman knows that bar bathrooms hit differently. While men get to waltz into their bathroom and do their thing within seconds, a woman's experience isn't quite the same. They meet strangers in the line, they start conversations as they wait, and they make new besties while they're looking in the mirror and touching up their makeup. Yes, it's possible to make the best friends in a bathroom - even if they're a little older!

Bathroom Besties


This post makes our hearts so full, and we bet this older woman truly appreciated being back in the bathroom bestie crew. Let's hope these ladies swapped numbers after this wholesome interaction!

The Makeup Paradox

While there's no doubt about the fact that there are some incredible male makeup experts out there, the vast majority of men have no clue when it comes to makeup. And although they claim to love a "natural" girl who doesn't wear makeup, their perception of what natural makeup is like is flawed. In fact, we have a feeling that if women didn't wear makeup around them, those same women would be deemed unattractive.

The Makeup Paradox


You really can't win with men, but why would you want to do that? This woman has mastered the art of makeup, and she looks stunning in every single one of those photos. If she's happy, that's all that matters.

"Women Aren't Funny"

Men love to complain that women aren't funny. It's something they say because they think it makes them sound superior - and women just have to deal with this tear-down on a regular basis. But when you truly stand back and look at those guys, it's clear to see that they're the ultimate hypocrites. Yes, you can bet your bottom dollar that they'll laugh their socks off while watching comedy written by women who "aren't funny."


Oh, women aren't funny, huh? Tell that to Mindy Kaling's multiple Screen Actors Guild Awards! And while you're at it, you might want to come up with an original tweet once in a while.

A Genuine Question

You have to admire the confidence of men. They think incredibly highly of themselves, and that's something women need to emulate in their own lives. But sometimes confidence can overstep the mark into rudeness - and we can't help but think this guy was the rude one here. He had the audacity to go up to a woman and tell her that her rudeness wasn't attractive, and we don't think we've ever been more astounded.

A Genuine Question


We're taking our hats off to this woman, though, because it looks like this guy messed with the wrong girl! She wasn't upset. She was genuinely curious, because never in a million years would she even want to be attractive to him! Yeah, that's right.

A Familiar Scene

Yep, this is a familiar scene. Do you recognize it, too? Although we're told that most males are more visual creatures who appreciate the beauty of the female form, we'd like to present those same men with exhibit A. Is this really how you want your bachelor pad to look? These guys have barely any furniture, they eat their cereal out of a saucepan, and their fridge is fully stocked with energy drinks and leftover Chinese takeout.

A Familiar Scene


Of course, everyone knows that there's always a change in this scene when men get long-term partners. But still, the world continues to think that men are the more visual creatures.

Karma Will Get Ya

Getting dumped is all part of life, but there's nothing more annoying than being dumped because of your hair color - especially when your ex-boyfriend's mom is the one behind that decision. That's normally enough to break a woman's spirit into pieces, but we guess karma understands the inequality between men and women and wants to set things right in the world. So, that's karma wanted to give this guy red-haired grandchildren, anyway.

Karma Will Get Ya


The cherry on top of this very delicious cake is the fact that the woman he dumped went on to have blonde children. And if that's not proof that women rule and men drool, then we don't know what is!

The Joy of Freedom

If you've never seen these photos before, it's time to rejoice. And it's time to stick these photos to your wall - because you need to be living like 2001 Nicole Kidman walking out of her lawyer's office after her divorce was finalized every single day! Just look at the look of freedom on her face. That's the look of a woman who doesn't need a man. Especially not one like Tom Cruise.

The Joy of Freedom


We don't think we've ever seen Nicole Kidman look so happy, and that makes us happy, too! We bet she doesn't realize how much of an inspiration she is, either.

The Fiercer, the Better

Behind every sweet woman's facade is a person who has fought a battle against men, and we think it's fair to say that this grandma has seen some things. And while she was no doubt over the moon to learn that her granddaughter had a new job, it seems as though she couldn't say exactly what she wanted to her granddaughter while her husband was on the phone with her.

The Fiercer, the Better


Yes, telling your granddaughter to stash away her own money and hide it from her husband is a fierce move we can seriously get behind. We all need financial freedom, ladies.

Is This a Game?

Women have to battle gender inequality on a daily basis, but what really rattles our cages is the fact that we so often get called weak. Are we weak when we break through the glass ceiling and outperform men in the workplace? Are we weak when we grow a literal human inside our bodies? Are we weak when we discreetly wax our ankles during a phone interview without even the hint of a wobble in our voices? Absolutely not, people.

Is This a Game?

Twitter/Audrey Porne

Women are extraordinary, and our ability to multi-task - and sometimes even quadruple-task - should seriously be studied in a lab. This isn't a game, and we're definitely not playing.

Thank You, Next

Ahhhh, that post-high-school glow-up. We all know the one, right? During high school, you might have rocked your braces and had a few more pimples on your face than you'd have liked, and you might have even been considered a "late bloomer." But while that didn't give the hot guys the right to bully you, what's even worse is when you have your post-high-school glow-up, and they decide that you're not worth bullying anymore. In fact, they want to date you!

Thank You, Next


But women never forget their bullies. And while some girls might be tempted by the high school jock they had a crush on, it seems as though this woman wasn't having any of it. You go, girl.

Mansplaining Gone Wrong

We're going to go ahead and assume that most of you have been a victim of mansplaining. As a society of females, we've been taught to simply accept the mansplaining and graciously accept the fact that these men are so willing to help us. But do we need them to help us? No, we don't! And we have a feeling that this woman didn't need her husband to mansplain where their house was, either.

Mansplaining Gone Wrong


But at least we can all collectively agree that this is one of the dumbest things that's ever been mansplained. As long as we agree on that, we females will continue to thrive.

Rock On, Grandma

If society has taught us something, it's that we should all age gracefully. While men are celebrated for their mid-life crises, women are taught to act and look their age - and this only gets worse as you get older. But we're here to tell you to be more like this grandma! She always wanted to rock a pink mohawk but always felt as though she couldn't. Then, she decided that if she were to make it to her 90th birthday, she'd do it!

Rock On, Grandma


And we'd like to be the first to say that she looks like the coolest grandma around. Of course, we love the punk mohawk. But more than anything, she just looks genuinely happy.

A True Ally

It's no secret that men need to learn more about being an ally to women, but if we could choose only one thing for them to learn, this would be it! Women often feel the pressure to give their number to people they don't want to give it to. And by having an ally like this around them, they could guarantee that they wouldn't be bothered or hounded by a stranger.

A True Ally


While we do feel a little sorry for the guys that begin to question whether they were chatting up a ghost, we're not sorry enough to stop this from happening. Allies, assemble!

They Don't Start Drama, Right?

Society loves to create lies about men and women. And for some reason, women are always considered to be the dramatic ones. Sure, women may have screaming matches with their best friends when they're drunk, and they might cry when their diamond earring falls into the ocean, but we get over these things pretty quickly. Plus, it rarely progresses into anything violent. The same can't be said for men, though.

They Don't Start Drama, Right?


This meme is so true, it hurts. One look back at world history will tell you that men are way more dramatic than women, and most of the time that drama has disastrous consequences. It's too much, you know?

Out the Way, Loser

Men love to have an opinion on how women dress, and, for some reason, they particularly seem to hate it when girls wear sweatpants. This college student was met with that same criticism when she turned up to class in her sweatpants - but do you know what? She didn't care! As someone who was paying a small fortune in college tuition fees, the last thing she cared about was looking pretty for the other students.

Out the Way, Loser


She was there to collect her degree, and she wasn't going to let anyone else get in the way of that. Especially when their biggest concern was over a bit of fabric.

That Rational Masculine Logic

People love to say that one of the big inequalities between males and females is their emotions. Apparently, women are overly emotional, while men aren't emotional enough. But it seems as though this mom of all sons would like to question that logic. After all, she's witnessed her teenage son having a 45-minute meltdown about putting his dish into the dishwasher - and it's that's not emotional, then we don't know what is.

That Rational Masculine Logic


According to society, that's rational masculine logic. But we don't think you'd find many rational people refusing to do such a basic task. Instead, that sounds like an overload of emotions!

Turning the Tables

It's no secret that men and women are treated differently, and this normally starts as soon as you're born. Young boys and girls are indoctrinated with beliefs that benefit inequality, and it's normally young girls who are told to change the way they behave, the way they dress, or the things they say because they have to make allowances for boys. And this woman wants to change all of that.

Turning the Tables


After all, why should girls have to make allowances for boys? Why can't boys look to girls, instead? It's time to turn the tables and offer a new perspective. Want to join?

Lost the Dead Weight

The reality is that the only person who can comment on your weight is yourself. But that doesn't stop men from commenting on women's weight all the time - even if they're in a relationship with them! And for a while, this woman's boyfriend would continuously tell her to lose weight, and she would just take it. Thankfully, she realized that she didn't need a man like that, and she lost about 140 pounds after all.

Lost the Dead Weight


Of course, that 140 pounds came in the form of a male, and we couldn't be happier for her! And judging from the smile on her face, she's pretty happy about her weight loss, too.

Erm, Not Quite

Have you ever seen a female-centered headline that's so wrong it's almost hilarious? Well, if you haven't, here's one that was prepared earlier! According to this news outlet, millennial women are "worried" about earning more than their male partners. We don't know where they got this information from, but this sounds like something a man would say. We don't know many women that would be worried about such a thing, and it seems as though Arianna agrees.

Erm, Not Quite


Expletives aside, Arianna basically sums up the whole female gender with her tweet. We'll take all of the extra money, please, and thank you! That'll make up for being underpaid for so long.

That's Spot On, Actually

If you're a straight woman, you've probably had your fair share of being hit on by straight men. And while these experiences might be memorable, they might not be memorable in a good way. Straight men have a way of flirting that seems to have the opposite effect - especially when they get your number or try and flirt online. For some reason, their ability to put together a sentence goes missing!

That's Spot On, Actually


And we have to say that this example of flirting like a straight man is spot on. Yet, they still wonder why we're not interested? The whole male gender is baffling.

A New Generation

One of the things we love about the new generation is the fact that they're learning more and more about gender inequality. They're more clued up on the goings-on in the world, and they're taking the first steps toward change. And if you need any more proof of that, just look at this hilarious interaction between this auntie and her niece! Although this aunt thought her niece was supporting gender biases, she was actually just being super smart.

A New Generation


With youngsters like this 5-year-old in the world, we're pretty confident that things are going to change. And we don't know about you, but we'd happily vote this little girl for president!

The Ultimate Gift

Women have to put up with so much in this world. We have to deal with being paid less than men for doing the same job, we have to deal with unrealistic beauty standards, and we have to deal with, well, men! And while we don't often step out of our comfort zone and ask for things, most women will agree that we all need a dress with pockets. In fact, we need everything with pockets.

The Ultimate Gift


We're sick of having to take a purse with us everywhere we go. And why is it fair that men, who only take a wallet and their phone out with them, have pockets in all of their clothes?

Close, but Not Close Enough

Women can easily forget their exes. They simply move on with their lives, achieve more goals, and find new friends and lovers that are worth their time. But it seems as though some men find it a little harder to move on from their exes - and they seem to love trying to reignite old flames when they aren't given the attention they feel they need. And that's exactly what this guy did.

Close, but Not Close Enough


But we guess this guy didn't do any research on his ex before hitting her up, as this doctor immediately shut him and his obnoxious questions down before the conversation could progress. Take that, ex!

No Sleepovers Allowed

Newsflash for all men: women don't wake up with perfectly curled hair and a face full of makeup! But no matter how many times we tell them this, it seems as though they just don't want to listen. Instead, they prefer to say that we're all "catfishing" them because we don't look like their idea of perfect all the time. It's definitely exhausting, but interactions like this do make it a little more bearable.

No Sleepovers Allowed


This woman deserves an award for this response. After all, that is a weird way for that guy to announce to the world that he's never had a girl sleep over before.

Be More Like This Guy

While there are so many men in this world who need education on gender equality, there are some who are already making moves to be better. And let's just give a round of applause to this guy at the gym who decided to check on this girl when he realized that someone else was recording her. Thankfully, the person recording was her boyfriend, but kudos to him for checking anyway.

Be More Like This Guy


Men, be more like this guy! This is the energy we want to see from men going forward. Being conscious of the women around you could make a huge difference.

We Ain't Saying She's a Gold Digger

For some reason, men get worried when women come into their lives. And they're right; they should be worried! We're forces of nature that can't be held back. But we guess they're worried for the wrong reasons, as many men just assume that females want to date them because they want to steal their money. However, how can we steal your money when you can barely afford your rent and eat cereal for all three meals?

We Ain't Saying She's a Gold Digger


Men really do have inflated egos, and while we do appreciate their confidence, we'd rather they didn't paint us all with the same gold-digging brush. If we were looking to steal your money, we wouldn't be dating you.

Good Intentions

Hands up if you can relate to this one? Yuh-huh, this is something we've all felt before. After all, society tells us to be healthy and lose weight, and it's hard to ignore those loud noises sometimes. Because of this, we throw out all the junk in our cupboards and fill our refrigerators with healthy food that we hope will make us feel and look better. But that never happens, right?

Good Intentions


A few days later, we always come to regret our decision because we're craving a chips or a packet of cookies. And you know what? We shouldn't have to put ourselves through that!

Throw Him Out

Gender inequality comes in so many different forms - and the fact that women menstruate while men get to go about their months with ease is something we'll never be able to get over. But as if bleeding out of your body and dealing with cramps wasn't enough, women then have to deal with the stigma of buying sanitary products to make this week more bearable and hygienic. Surely that doesn't make sense?

Throw Him Out


You'd think husbands would be used to buying sanitary products for their wives by now, but we guess that just isn't the case. It's time to throw this husband out, lady.

Double Standards

Society expects women to have children. But when women have children when they're young, they're criticized. When women have children by themselves, they're criticized. And when women don't have children, they're criticized! So, what are we supposed to do? This woman decided to bypass having a baby and get tattoos instead. But can you guess what happened next? Yes, she was criticized for adding something so permanent to her life.

Double Standards


You can't make this stuff up, people. We shouldn't get tattoos, but we should have a baby and look after it full-time for the next 18 years of its life?

"Fight Me"

Being a woman is hard. We have to deal with so much gender inequality on a daily basis while also dealing with a monthly change of hormones that can completely sidetrack our emotions. It's a lot to deal with, which is why so many women find joy in having a good cry. And we're going to assume that a lot of women will cry on cue, no matter whether they're happy or sad.


But just because we like to cry doesn't mean that we also don't like to put up a fight and protect ourselves. And if you're like us, the words "fight me" are used as often as possible.

Critical Information

Gilmore Girls

Critical Information


If you didn't already know this hack, you can bet your bottom dollar that it will change your life. So, you're going to want to run, don't walk, to your nearest Chinese takeout place.

Worst Sound in the World

A lot of men have a superiority complex, and they all believe that what they have to say is the most important thing in the world. Of course, that's not to say that what they have to say is not important. But when multiple men have the same opinions and believe that what they say trumps everything else, it can result in a cacophony of voices that can give any woman a serious headache.

Worst Sound in the World


This woman sums it up, really. Three men talking at the same time is most women's least favorite sound. So, it makes sense to just avoid men at all costs, right?

Time to Run Away

Can someone tell us why women are considered to be overly emotional, but men are the ones who punch walls when they're angry? In our eyes, that just doesn't make sense. And this woman raises a good point, too. If you ever go to a man's house and see that there's a fist-shaped hole in the wall, you might want to leave that house - and that man - right away.

Time to Run Away


You don't need to be around that kind of anger, ladies. Instead, find someone who has found a way to deal with their emotions in a controlled and acceptable manner.

Don't Settle for Less

If you're currently questioning your relationship and wondering whether your wants and needs are being met in your relationship, you might want to take a second to re-assess things. And this situation is the perfect example of that! This woman's ex-husband used to hate her mug collection and would get mad when she came home with another, which is why, when it came down to it, she chose her mug collection over her ex.

Don't Settle for Less


And it's safe to say that this decision was the best thing to happen to her. Now, she has a new boyfriend who loves, accepts, and embraces her love of mugs! That mug wall is the cutest thing we've ever seen.

Show Your Outfit

Hands up if you've ever found yourself in a situation where a man has asked for a photo? Of course, we know what this photo means. They want a picture of you looking more beautiful than they've ever seen and in an outfit that shows off what they like about you. But women don't live to please men, and they don't stay in these outfits with perfect hair and makeup all the time.

Show Your Outfit


And although this woman tried to explain that this man wouldn't be getting the kind of picture he wanted, he just wouldn't listen. We think she looks beautiful no matter what, though!

The Ultimate Mic Drop

Makeup is a serious bone of contention in the gender inequality debate. Of course, women are allowed to love using makeup and wearing as much or as little as they please. But what we don't like is the fact that men expect women to wear makeup, while still looking as though they're not wearing makeup! Women are constantly accused of being catfishes, and makeup is constantly accused of being false advertising.

The Ultimate Mic Drop


Let's all take a minute for this mic drop, though, ladies. This meme has got it spot on, as women aren't a product designed specifically for a male audience. So, get back in your lane.

Caught in the Lies

It's no secret that everybody can lie. Both men and women alike can lie if they want to. But when it comes down to the statistics, men are more likely to cheat on their partners and then lie about it - and women are just supposed to sit back and deal with it. This can result in serious heartbreak, but the men don't seem to care about that, do they?

Caught in the Lies


As well as being liars, men are also pretty good actors. And this woman knows that a man can have an entire mental breakdown while feigning their innocence, but they can still be lying.

Flying Solo

After dealing with years and years of gender inequality, women have learned to rely on themselves. So many women are now happiest when they're in their own company, without relying on a man for money, happiness, or self-worth. This is a major step forward for women - but it seems as though men aren't too happy about it. After all, they've got to compete with women's own solitude during the dating game.

Flying Solo


Hunger Games