Ideally, you should only be washing your face twice a day. Washing your face way too often strips it of essential and natural oils. This leads to dryness and makes your face more prone to fine lines and wrinkles.
1. Washing Your Face Way Too Often
Ideally, you should only be washing your face twice a day. Washing your face way too often strips it of essential and natural oils. This leads to dryness and makes your face more prone to fine lines and wrinkles.
2. Sleeping On Your Side
Although sleeping on your side is extremely comfortable, having your face against the pillow increases the chances of wrinkles on the cheeks and chin. Though it can be hard at the beginning, try sleeping flat on your back, and eventually, you will get used to it. Not only does it prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but it also makes you look young, rested, and fresh.
3. Frowning Too Much
Any kind of repetitive facial movement can lead to the formation of wrinkles over time. Have you ever heard of laugh lines? They are indicators that you have lived a happy life, but what about the frown lines? Frown lines aren't satisfying at all. Reduce the urge to frown and squint as much as you can.
4. Dieting Like There Is No Tomorrow
Are you on an extreme diet, cutting out too much fat? Though it is good for your health, essential fats are what keeps your skin supple and plump. Omega-3 fats, and other good fats found in avocados, flax seeds, and salmon work wonders on your skin, and they all keep your brain working in excellent condition.
5. Not Using Eye Cream
Some of the thinnest skin on your entire body is around your eyes. Delicate skin means fewer oil glands. You need to moisturize and nourish the skin around your eyes properly, or you may start seeing lines and wrinkles at an early age. A good eye cream packed with caffeine works best.
6. Applying Products In A Downward Motion
Thanks to gravity, our skin sags as we age. This process is further accelerated when you apply skincare products such as moisturizers and cleansers from top to bottom. When you pull your skin down, wrinkles start forming, especially on the thin skin surrounding your eyes. Start from your chin and move towards your forehead applying just a tiny bit of pressure.
7. Not Getting Enough Sleep
An average adult needs to sleep for at least 7 hours a day. If you are a person who doesn't have downtime, then lack of sleep not only results in looking old, but it also reduces your life span. If you experience a lack of energy, weight gain, or mental slowness, it is advised that you get to bed earlier.
8. Drinking Through A Straw & Smoking
Smoking is obviously not good for your body, but drinking through a straw? It does help you avoid staining your teeth. However, always puckering your lips can lead to the formation of fine lines around them. There are no remedies that work to get rid of these fine lines. So, the only method is to ditch the straw and sip directly from the glass. Also, try to quit smoking.
9. Slouching At Work
People rocking a 9 to 5 job know how hard it is to sit straight in the chair. Thus, we often find ourselves slumping over our desks with a hand propped underneath our chin. Sitting straight not only helps to reduce neck and back pain, but it also prevents the formation of wrinkles and sagging on your neck. Looking down on your mobile device or book can also have the same effects.
10. Binge-Watching TV
A recent study found that watching too much TV can cut years off your lifespan. It can also have negative effects on your skin. Whether you are on your couch or sitting behind your desk, make sure that you get up to take a short walk every thirty minutes. In case you find it hard to get up every time, try doing some simple exercises.